The Story of your Daddy

2008 June 02

Created by jbyrum 16 years ago
Logan,I am your Nana,your Daddy's Mom.Your Daddy was born June 3,1984 Sunday afternoon at 2:00 at Baptist Hospital in Nashville. I knew right then he was a blessing from God, and he was a very special baby.Your Daddy was born three weeks early, and had a very hard time breathing. He had three Doctors taking care of him. Your Daddy fought very hard to live the first three days of his life. I was so scared, and worried. I prayed, and prayed. I asked God to be with him, and watch over him,and I asked God to be with the Doctor's and Nurses taking care of him. When your Daddy was seven days old his Dad and I got to bring him home.That was a very happy day for our whole family!It wasn't long before his pearsonality begin to show.He was a very happy baby, he had silly hair that stood straight up all over his head. But it fit his personality because he was a silly little boy.He made everyone laugh with the silly faces he always made. He loved to climb on everything!His favorite seat in the house was on top of the end table right beside the phone. He would pick up the receiver, hold it sideways against his right ear and jabber like crazy! I wish I could understand what he was saying.He also loved to jump on his sister's back (your other Aunt Jennifer)while she layed on the floor and pull her hair.I guess he liked to hear her scream.He thought it was very funny. I will tell you more stories about your Daddy. All his favorite stories I read to him every night before he went to bed. I still have all his story books, I want to read them to you too, just like I did for your Daddy, and someday I will give them to you to keep. Your Daddy loves you very much, and so do I.