The first year of your death has passed........

2008 August 25

Created by Logan 15 years ago
Daddy has been gone from us a year today. It has been so hard on my mom, grandmom and family. Death is not the end, for we have hope in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and that if you accept JESUS as your Saviour than you will have eternal life. JESUS loves each of us, but HE wants us to ask forgvieness of our sins. I have hope that my daddy did. I love him very much and I sure wish he were here with me. But I have hope that he is with JESUS in Heaven and is waiting for us there. I may only be little, but I know that there is always hope and that there is a reason for the things that happen in our lives. I pray that GOD will give each of you peace and the hope in knowing HIM. Without HIM we have nothing., No JESUS No peace, know JESUS, know peace. I do love you daddy and miss you very much. Your son, Logan
